Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Gift and a School Picnic

The weather we've been having is absolutely gorgeous!!Makes we wanna dig in the dirt-kick a little,cause a stir,make some noise and be heard...Can I get a yee-haw??I love living in the country at spring time.The land comes ALIVE!!
  Ok..I still haven't got very far with my projects I was talking about.My lil guy has really wanted his mommy and we've had company...But I DO have something to post that I'm excited about!!
One of my husband's  lovely barns for MY VERY OWN!!
And I didn't even have to beg!!(much)
Actually,I didn't mention it for a long time.He took this barn to a festival in town on Saturday.Before he left,he told me that it will probably go into our backyard.Did I ever mention that I LOVE him??This barn is rather small-6 ft.x8 ft.I am trying to decide if I want to use it for storage or a chicken barn.I'm thinking I'll use it to store our treasures in and then add a lean-to on the backside for a lil chicken coop.Shelves are needing to be made yet...maybe next week.Our storage stuff has been sitting on our screened-in back porch since Oct. when I fall cleaned the house and cleaned out closets.I always fix up the back porch during the summer,so this beauty arrived just in time!!
I fixed lunch for the school children on Wednesday.Instead of serving it at school,like normal-I invited them over for a picnic lunch.I was going to fix this barn up with a colorful banner and maybe tissue paper pom-poms,but my baby fussed all afternoon and evening the day before.Grandma came to the rescue and held him while I made food.I threw some stuff together in the morning and my sister came to help set up and babysit.

Excuse the pics.I was in a hurry and can't find the ones that I edited!!
 We put some old quilts on the ground to sit on.I love my old quilts!! We used bandanas for napkins,pint jars for cups and old dishes.I didn't get as many pics as I wanted to since I was running out of time,but I hope you get the idea.We played Frisbee and tried juggling afterward.We also dug thru my Hubby's Amish clothes.The boys had fun trying them on.I didn't get pics-I was demonstrating everything .
Azaleas and creeping Jenny in a blue jar
Old dishes and tea

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Seeds and Scraps

Well,Hello there,friends!!It's been a lil while,'eh??
Most of my time has been dedicated to taking care of this lil charmer..he's been rather fussy the past few weeks,but he's cute even when he's cranky.Hard to believe he'll be 2 months old soon.He outgrew his preemie clothes now and weighed in at 8 lbs the other day.I wanted to cry when I packed up his tiny clothes-knowing he'll never be that little again..time seems to go twice as fast since he came,I'm trying to soak up every minute I can with him before I'll be busy with gardening,canning...Speaking of gardening,I'm starting one inside this year..just lettuce,tomatos and corn so far.
Can't wait to dig in the dirt again!!Watching these sprouts grow reminds me of how we need to grow in the Lord..first of all-die to self,feed contiously(like my lil boy does!!!) on His Word,soak up the "Son". We will then be able to branch out,bear fruit and help others these plants will help our waist line grow!ha

   This is what's going on outside-
weeds..=) but hey,they don't look TOO bad here,do they??And yes,I use the mower when I feel really ambitious!
Creeping Jenny around an azalea bush
Can't remember what this bush is called,but I love it!!
  I've also been working on creating simple beauty out of scraps and a few new items..I haven't got very far yet..I'll show you the mess now-the beauty later.
Tissue Paper
Fabric Remnants
My Craft Table

The beauty pics will be up next.Nothing fancy~just somethings I enjoy doing.
I hope ya'll have a blessed day!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Kobe Sawyer
 This year has been a year of new things for us.The MOST exciting??Our son Kobe Sawyer arrived on February 9.He weighed 5 lbs and 14 oz.Such an awesome feeling to hold your child in your arms for the first time!Lots of new feelings were felt that day..a serious amount of pain,pride,love and awe at the amazing lil' fellow and fear.Yep,I was a NEW mom.A first time mom.It was hard to believe he was finally here-my flatTER stomach,excited husband and crying babe confirmed it.A brand NEW life for us to raise for the Lord.The greatness of the responsibility hit me hard-I felt helpless.I know I couldn't make it without God's help.
Here are more pics..isn't he just darling??I think so!!

 NEW schedules came to life since he arrived.A quick shower,easy meals,dishes and laundry washed whenever I'm not napping or taking care of him,shopping trips are scarce,crafts are on the back burner... Naps are the NEW favorite right now.
 I see a NEW side of my husband too.He changes diapers without being asked to,(he's the best!!)always asks if I need diapers or wipes before he comes home from work,and is so gentle with our son.He spends every minute possible with him in his arms.I love seeing them bond.
 My husband's mother passed away on Feb. 20th.She was the sweetest lady-always made me feel welcome,even tho I wasn't Amish like her.I loved her and will miss her letters and smile!!It was the first death in our immediate family-another NEW experience for us.I couldn't go to the funeral since it was 1,300 miles away in cold Minnesota and Kobe was so young.I ached to be there with my husband thru that time,but was stuck at home with a tiny babe-by myself-with no vehicle for 5 days.God's mercies are NEW every morning-that week was proof!!
  We had a week of revival meetings the second week of March.Lots of thoughts were shared-NEW thoughts about God popped up every evening.It was such an enjoyable week.
 NEW life is springing up everywhere!!I'm lovin' the beautiful spring weather we're having.The budding trees,daffodils and tulips and green grass remind me of God's love for us.I'm so glad that He loves beauty.I love the details he puts into everything.Imagine living if this world looked drab and boring!!
 My husband started his own  portable storage building business last year.We just hired another NEW worker.
  And this blog thing is NEW to me.I hope my posts won't be too boring.I like to write down my thoughts(which are many,if you ask hubby.ha),so if they bore you-at least I'll be keeping myself entertained.I love reading other people's blogs,but do they get them to look so cool??I'll gladly take tips you have to offer!!
 I'm sure there will be many more NEW things in store for us this year,especially all the "firsts" that come with a baby.I'm looking forward to it and to making NEW friends via this blog.