Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Kobe Sawyer
 This year has been a year of new things for us.The MOST exciting??Our son Kobe Sawyer arrived on February 9.He weighed 5 lbs and 14 oz.Such an awesome feeling to hold your child in your arms for the first time!Lots of new feelings were felt that day..a serious amount of pain,pride,love and awe at the amazing lil' fellow and fear.Yep,I was a NEW mom.A first time mom.It was hard to believe he was finally here-my flatTER stomach,excited husband and crying babe confirmed it.A brand NEW life for us to raise for the Lord.The greatness of the responsibility hit me hard-I felt helpless.I know I couldn't make it without God's help.
Here are more pics..isn't he just darling??I think so!!

 NEW schedules came to life since he arrived.A quick shower,easy meals,dishes and laundry washed whenever I'm not napping or taking care of him,shopping trips are scarce,crafts are on the back burner... Naps are the NEW favorite right now.
 I see a NEW side of my husband too.He changes diapers without being asked to,(he's the best!!)always asks if I need diapers or wipes before he comes home from work,and is so gentle with our son.He spends every minute possible with him in his arms.I love seeing them bond.
 My husband's mother passed away on Feb. 20th.She was the sweetest lady-always made me feel welcome,even tho I wasn't Amish like her.I loved her and will miss her letters and smile!!It was the first death in our immediate family-another NEW experience for us.I couldn't go to the funeral since it was 1,300 miles away in cold Minnesota and Kobe was so young.I ached to be there with my husband thru that time,but was stuck at home with a tiny babe-by myself-with no vehicle for 5 days.God's mercies are NEW every morning-that week was proof!!
  We had a week of revival meetings the second week of March.Lots of thoughts were shared-NEW thoughts about God popped up every evening.It was such an enjoyable week.
 NEW life is springing up everywhere!!I'm lovin' the beautiful spring weather we're having.The budding trees,daffodils and tulips and green grass remind me of God's love for us.I'm so glad that He loves beauty.I love the details he puts into everything.Imagine living if this world looked drab and boring!!
 My husband started his own  portable storage building business last year.We just hired another NEW worker.
  And this blog thing is NEW to me.I hope my posts won't be too boring.I like to write down my thoughts(which are many,if you ask hubby.ha),so if they bore you-at least I'll be keeping myself entertained.I love reading other people's blogs,but wow..how do they get them to look so cool??I'll gladly take tips you have to offer!!
 I'm sure there will be many more NEW things in store for us this year,especially all the "firsts" that come with a baby.I'm looking forward to it and to making NEW friends via this blog.


  1. Rhoda, I think writing is a gift you have. I often think of that beautiful poem you wrote right after Grandma died. So I'm happy for you that you can use this blog as kind of an outlet for your gift. I know I will read it! You have a cute little guy and I think you have a really neat little family!

  2. Just when I was going to quit my blog (which I still might), I find this new blog starting fresh. I found this through Saloma, your sister-in-law, and it's going to be fun to read about your life and all the fun "firsts" that go along with being a new mom. ENJOY!! Your little boy is precious ~ ♥

  3. I really Love your Blog!!! I soo love reading about everyones thoughts!! :) I pray that the Lord will bless you with your sweet little family!! You have a precious little son!!!:)
    Hope you have a very Blessed day!! :)

  4. @ Anna-you have a lovely family,too!!I hope we get to see you this summer sometime.
    @ The Imperfect Housewife-I've read your blogs before and found them interesting.Glad we could "meet"!
    @ Elizabeth-thanks for your prayers!

  5. Ahhh the joys of new motherhood! Your baby is adorable.

  6. Little Kobe is beautiful, and I am sorry about your family's loss of Grandma. Enjoy every moment. :)
